Die meisten mündlich überlieferten Shanties findet man in unzähligen Versionen, sowohl textlich als auch melodisch unterschiedlich. Wir haben für uns jeweils Fassungen erstellt, die gut singbar, textlich schlüssig und nicht zu lang ausufernd sind.
Das sind unsere Stücke (wird laufend ergänzt):
- Alabama John Cherokee (Capstan Shanty) Text mp3
- Capstan Bar (Capstan Shanty) Text mp3
- The Drunken Sailor (WhatShallWeDo-Version)
- The Dreadnaught (Forebitter Song)
- The Drunken Sailor (Traditionelle Version) (Hand-over Shanty)
- Eliza Lee (Homeward-bound Capstan Shanty) Text
- Farewell Shanty (Outward-bound Capstan Shanty) Text mp3
- Farewell tae Tarwathie (Outward Bound Forebitter Song)
- (Frozen in) Frobisher Bay (Lament) Text
- The Greenland Whale Fisheries (Lament)
- The Grimsby Lads (Sea Song) Text
- Haul Away Joe (Short Haul Shanty) Text mp3
- Hullabalou Belay (Capstan Shanty) Text
- Jack Was Every Inch a Sailor (Hand Over Shanty) Text
- John Kanaka (Outward-bound Shanty) Text mp3
- The Last Shanty (Sea Song) Text
- Leave Her, Johnny (Homeward-bound Forebitter Shanty) Text mp3
- The Leaving of Liverpool (Outward-bound Forebitter Song) Text
- The Maid of Amsterdam (Forebitter Song) Text
- The Mermaid (Forebitter Song) Text
- Molly Malone (Sea Song) Text
- Mollymauk (Forebitter Song) Text
- The New York Girls (Forebitter Song + Dance) Text
- Old Maui (Forebitter Song) Text
- Philomena D. (Forebitter Song) Text
- Pique la baleine (Rowing Shanty) Text
- Pump Her Dry (Pump Shanty)
- Sally Brown (Capstan Shanty)
- Sam’s Gone Away (Hand-over Shanty) Text mp3
- Santy Ano (Forebitter Song)
- Set: The Seamen’s Club (2 Hornpipes instrumental)
- Smugglers (Sea Song) Text
- South Australia (Capstan Shanty)
- The Spanish Ladies (Capstan Shanty) Text
- The Trawling Trade (Sea Song) Text
- The Wellerman (Forebitter Song) Text
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